Island Current

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7/11 Island Current Fleet…Jumbo Porgies & Sea Bass…City Island, NY 🗽

Both Captains Danny and Scott all reporting excellent local #bottomfishing in the #westernLongIslandsound. Bill “Fish On” chartered the island current II yesterday and had a full boat limit and was back to the barn early all loaded up. Capt. Danny stressed that size and quality of the fish were tremendous as you could not keep the bait on the bottom. We are sailing daily at 8 AM for #jumboporgies and #Seabass. Please book tickets online at 🎣⛴🎣 #islandcurrent #islandcurrentfishing #islandcurrentfishingfleet #cityisland #bronx #newyork #fishing #westernsound #longislandsound

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