2/10 Capt. Scott Finds the Cod…Pool fish over 20 pounds…Snug Harbor, RI
Capt. Scott was very happy to report a much improved upswing in the winter Codfishing. The weather and temperature was very nice today. Here are some of the highlights from today outing…
We had 60 plus cod for the day, and a welcomed variety of Ling & Pollock. Lots of shorts to keep rods bent all day.
Pool fish was 23lbs caught by Capt Pat from F/V Dauntless out of NJ. It was a solid day of Codfishing for the close to sold out crowd. Capt. Scott Explored areas further to the southeast then normal.
We will not be sailing Sunday or Monday due the high winds and rough seas. Our next scheduled trip will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 13 at 5 am. Please remember to book tickets online at islandcurrent.com