1/7 Snowball Cod aboard ISLAND CURRENT III…Winter Codfishing…Snug Harbor, RISaturday, 1/7 we had a hardy bunch of anglers who set aside time from their busy schedules and had planned this trip for a month in advance. Despite the adverse conditions the anglers scored very well. As a result of the wind and high seas the boat had no other option besides anchoring. Today all anglers were at the rail the entire duration. Here are a few of the highlights of today’s voyage…Tim from CT 7 keepers,
Scott 5 keepers, Mike had 6 keepers, and Randy from Mount Vernon, NY with 5 keepers.
We are NOT sailing Sunday, 1/8 due to the gale and rough seas. However; Monday, 1/9 we will definitively be sailing at 5 am. There is plenty of room but always remember to book online at islandcurrent.com or call Capt. Chris at 917.417.7557 / text or email at [email protected]